Because I want to be the best photographer I can I want to gain qualifications as well as experience and skills. So I signed up for a level 2 NCFE course at a local college. I attended the first class and found our how many local people love photography, the majority are there to learn about Photoshop and processing of images, only one said they wanted to learn more about composition.  The course takes you out on three occasions as well as some studio work and a research project.  I think it will be a big benefit for me to gain this, at the end of the course you need to have put together a portfolio of 10 images for submission.  My aim is to ensure these images are the ones I would like to submit to the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) for a Licentiate distinction therefore gaining feedback that will give me time to improve them.  But at least I won’t be putting them into the RPS blind.

Having letters after your name are a great way to show your experience and presumably you have been in the industry for a reasonable period of time, therefore honing your skills and developing techniques, however starting out with a strong foundation to build upon is always a plus point.

Do you think qualifications, experience or letters are the most important  aspect when booking a photographer?