Studio work


Today I had a project to complete, a simple lowkey flower shot.  Quite easy really.  First I had an booked at a studio,  on the way I purchased a bunch of red roses.  I thought that purchasing a bunch of roses would be the easy part, but what a fiasco, first the local supermarket didn’t have any red roses, when I asked I was told “they will all be waiting until Valentines day, before cutting them”, what so you can’t show someone you love them a few weeks before the commercially set up day.  Grr, I digress.

I called in a florist, I didn’t really want to, they would be more expensive than the local supermarket and I would need to park on the high street which is a nightmare for parking.  However I found a space reasonably easy and only had to walk one block to get to the flower shop, they had some lovely red roses, nothing big and blooming, just tight buds but they were a lovely colour so I made my purchase, put the bunch on the back seat next to the camera bag and set off for the studio.

As I pulled into the studio car park I had to break to avoid a mini pulling out very fast and the bunch slid forward and fell on the floor, the camera bag didn’t of course as I always fasten the seatbelt around it and through the handle.  Do you do things like that? I always have thought about how to look after my equipment.  The roses didn’t fare too badly but they were far from the perfect blooms I had thought to be taking photographs of.

With my project notes and the perfect studio set up, I position the lights, background and flower and set about my shoot. I realise now why I like to carry my ipad, even though I didn’t have a live model, I work better with music, having something uplifting and bouncy playing helps you keep your mood, keeps your time focused and can keep you energised.

So lessons learnt from this project, consider the purchase and transportation of props, always carry music.  Allow time for purchases of fresh props.  Safe transportation of your photographic equipment is vital.

Images are successfully available on viewbug and flickr.



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